Chapter 3 :PCR Set Up Using DNA Sample: A Step-by-Step Guide

PCR Set Up Using DNA Sample: A Step-by-Step Guide Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a revolutionary technique in molecular biology that allows for the exponential amplification of specific DNA sequences. This blog post provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to setting up a PCR reaction using a DNA sample. 1. Gather Materials and Reagents 2. Prepare … Read more

Chapter 2 :DNA on Gel Electrophoresis: A Step-by-Step Guide

DNA on Gel Electrophoresis: A Step-by-Step Guide Gel electrophoresis is a fundamental technique in molecular biology that allows scientists to separate DNA fragments based on their size and charge. This blog post will provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to the gel electrophoresis process, making it easy to understand and follow. 1. Gel Preparation 2. DNA … Read more

Chapter 1 : DNA Quantification Methods: Ensuring Accuracy in Molecular Biology

DNA quantification is a cornerstone of molecular biology research, enabling scientists to accurately measure the concentration and purity of DNA samples. This crucial step ensures reliable and reproducible results in downstream applications such as PCR, sequencing, cloning, and gene expression analysis. Why Quantify DNA? Common DNA Quantification Methods 1. Spectrophotometric Quantification: This method utilizes a … Read more